A (work)force to be reckoned with.

A (work)force to be reckoned with.

Work and security

A strong and able workforce means a strong and able nation.

Our workforce is the backbone of our nation. We wouldn’t be where we are today without them. They provide us with everything we need, day in day out. From potatoes from farmers to computers from the brightest minds.


It is of great importance that we keep our workforce educated. If they have the ability to attend courses they can retrain themselves or specialize themselves in their field or add a skill they didn’t have before.


The welfare of people is important. If you don’t feel happy you won’t be able to work as hard and fast as when you are happy. People need to be able to talk to someone with any issues without having to pay a fortune.

Small business

The government needs to support small businesses where they can. Starting a new company needs to be thrilling, not a nightmare. However, the government cannot just give handouts.

Big tech

Big Tech is delivering. Never before has our planet been more connected that today. However, there need to be strict rules on how these companies guard peoples’ privacy.

To ensure our workforce is able to deliver.

A strong workforce allows us to provide for everyone. To ensure that we keep our workforce educated and healthy to minimize loss of production.

Giving them the right tools.

Our workforce is the backbone of our society. They give us what we need to succeed. They create pens and calculators so that students in school can learn. These students may grow up to become scientists and discover cures to diseases or give answers to questions we don’t know to ask yet. They grow our food so that no one has to be in hunger.

All it takes is supporting the people who put in the hard work, day in day out. Listening to them, instead of just assuming.

What’s in it for the rest of us?

When our workforce have the tools and support they need to be productive, we all benefit. Shortages will be a thing of the past, as we’ll be able to quickly close any gaps that might appear in the future.