Justice for all

Justice for all.

Law and Justice

We stand for justice for everyone. Not for some. We want a fair justice system where everyone is heard and not judged before anything has been proven.

Courts are an essential part of a democracy. It ensures that laws people who break laws pay for their mistakes and that new laws don’t break any other law already in place. The various courts provide a way for citizens to make sure they can live their life without anyone taking their rights. But if that were to happen, they can file a case in the courts and have it resolved.

A Fair Judicial System.

The courts are here to convict people through proving they’re guilty. We cannot convict people before a thorough investigation has proven their guilt.
Fair process

Each citizen has the constitutional right on a fair trial. This ensures that a random plaintiff or the government cannot abuse the Judicial Branch.

Innocent untill proven guilty

In UN Courts, we operate under the assumption that everyone is innocent until the plaintiff can prove that the defendant is guilty.

Jury trial

Each trial will be heard by a jury consisting of 6 or 12 citizens without any ties to the parties involved who will be called for jury duty. This jury will decide, based on the facts uncovered during trial, whether the defendant is innocent or guilty.

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court of the United Nations of Earth will handle a variety of cases ranging from conflicts between Member States and the Government to deciding whether a new law is legal within the Charter of the United Nations of Earth.

Why this form?

This form is important, as it ensures a fair and independent Judicial Branch. This means that anyone can bring a case against someone who might be far more powerful or has a lot more resources than that person without the fear of a case being decided before the case even makes it in front of a jury.

An independent Judicial Branch is an important cornerstone for a good functioning democracy. It couldn’t be called a democracy without the independence of this branch.

What You Get.

As a normal citizen, you can live without the fear of you getting prosecuted for something you might not even have done.

You can also bring a case against someone else or against the Government without the fear that your case will never be heard because someone pulled some strings to make the case disappear.