Improve through science

Improve through science.

Science and Education

Through the power of science our lives have been influenced since the birth of mankind. We intend to prioritize scientific research.

Ever since the dawn of Mankind, we’ve started to use our brains to improve our lives. Ranging from using fire to cook food to our mobile phone. Scientific research has always improved our lives. Not in all uses of course, but in the grand scale it has improved our lives significantly. It is important that we focus on the advancement of our race so we can ensure that we live even if a disaster strikes Earth.

Smart science.

Science allows us to describe and understand the world around us. With a government focussing on how research is conducted and funded we can ensure that promising research is well funded.

Well funded

By providing additional funding to scientific programs we can support students who may not be able to afford tuition causing them to not take classes. This support can make scientific programs more attractive for students making their decision. Some hardworking student may become a respected scientist because of this and have an insight no one else will have.

Space Race 2.0

By causing another space race, we can make space technology cheaper. Space travel is the future, there’s no denying it. By having multiple companies compete with each other, we can make it easier and cheaper to go to space.

The more companies compete, the faster stuff will become cheap.

Driving humanity forward.

It seems impossible. Going faster than the speed of light, curing cancer as easy as curing the common cold or even reversing the effects of climate change.

It all sounds like science fiction, but remember; that’s what we said about flying in a plane. Or flying faster than the speed of sound. Or curing diseases. All this became possible with enough research. They were all discovered by people or groups of people.

What’s in it for the rest of us?

By focusing on science and research and promoting scientific courses in schools and universities we want to expand the scientific communities in the various fields. There is so much brainpower in the world left untapped because of various reasons. These can range from not being supported enough to poverty.

By providing additional funding we can increase the number of students going into science. Who knows, maybe one of them will discover the cure for cancer. Anything is possible, as long as there are people who’ll dream.