Here to protect. Not attack.

Here to protect. Not attack.


A strong military is required so that we may protect ourselves. But we cannot, and should not use it as a means to invade territory belonging to another country.

To the defend the country is one of the most crucial tasks of a government. It has to do this in a smart and efficient way. This saves the taxpayer money which can be used better somewhere else.

Our armed forces.
Smarter than ever before.

Our armed forces are a tool we use to defend ourselves and to deter others from attacking us. But as with all tools, it can be abused. Our military should only be used as deterrent, and only be used in the most extreme circumstances.


A strong military with good capability will deter malicious forces from attacking UN targets. This will keep our citizens safe without the need to fight useless wars.

Global capability

With global capability, we are able to project force throughout UN member states with the National Guard and around the world with the UN Armed Forces.

A new doctrine

Armed forces from various countries and cultures have to learn to work together. This will lead to a new and eventually better doctrine thanks to combining experiences from all over the world.

Work smarter, with less money.

We can improve our military without the need to throw insane amounts of money at it. It may seem nice, a massive military to defend ourselves, but this money we spend we will need to keep spending that money year after year while better alternatives are available which may cost less. This enables us to redirect funds to other departments so we can improves for example education or health care.

Cooperation and centralization.

We have allies for a reason. We need to be able to trust them and use their support. What use is their intelligence if we can’t use it. Or perhaps a bit of intelligence is missing which someone else in the alliance can provide. This saves money, time and may also save lives.

With a more centralized military we can save time when orders are given throughout the world. It makes sure that there is a clear chain of command