Empower the People

Empower the People.


We envision a government where people with knowledge about their craft are in power. Not a random person who got lucky during a vote.

Off course, anyone can still run for political office. This is still a democracy after all. But for example, a teacher knows better what kind of policies would be beneficial for the Department of Education. That is why we need to have people who have experience in a certain type of field heading up some departments. To ensure this, we have thought of various requirements that someone has to meet before that person can run for or be appointed to public office.

The government is here for all the people. Not the fraction that voted them into power.

An Educated Government.

Efficient bureaucracy

With a more efficient government, more tasks can be completed within a shorter timespan. Citizens can be helped faster, which reduces waiting times.

experience in the field

For some cabinet positions there will be a requirement that the person who will be hold the office has prior experience in the field of the department which he/she will be leading.

Electoral College

The Electoral College will ensure that each Member State will be properly represented in the People’s Congress.

Popular Vote

As an additional democratic measure, any candidate must also get the Popular Vote. This ensures that a candidate does represent the popular majority.

The People’s Congress

Comprised of the Council of Nations and the General Assembly. These bodies will be the Legislative Branch of the United Nations of Earth.


The main instrument through which the people can make themselves heard. Every so many years, elections will be held to ensure the People’s Congress still represent the population.

Why this form?

We are adapting the ‘standard’ form of democracy as we’ve seen it for over 200 years and reforming it into a new shape. Our form of governing inherits all the good things we have in democracy and mixes it with other strong points from other ways of governing a nation.

What You Get.

As a normal citizen, there will not be much of a difference from today. You can look at the United Nations of Earth as Europeans look at the European Union. The UNE will be a supranational entity with, in the beginning, minimal powers of it’s own. An immediate transfer of power is highly unwise and practically impossible to do. Throughout the years, the advisory role of the UNE’s Secretary-General and his or her cabinet will slowly transform into a much more proactive role.