Party platform

Party platform.

The stances in our party platform show people what we believe in.

We are not a political party, yet we still have goals we believe in. Most of these goals should be a personal goal of every citizen of our planet. Especially in the current political climate these goals should be worked towards to improve the lives of every person. That should be the goal for politicians; improving the lives of the people who voted them into office.

An Educated Government.

Empower the People.

We envision a government where people with knowledge about their craft are in power. Not a random person who got lucky during a vote.

A Fair Judicial System.

Justice for all.

The courts are here to convict people through proving they’re guilty. We cannot convict people before a thorough investigation has proven their guilt.

Promote education for all.

Improve through science.

Science allows us to describe and understand the world around us. With a government focussing on how research is conducted and funded we can ensure that promising research is well funded.

Our armed forces. Smarter than ever before.

Here to protect. Not attack.

Our armed forces are here to protect our countries. They shouldn’t be abused to fight wars over resources or cultural differences.

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Our humanity. It is who we are.

Our culture defines who we are as a people. Our values reflect how we treat ourselves and each other. The thing we hold dear most is our freedom. The freedom to decide our own culture and values and not have these forced upon us.

They carry us on their back. Let’s repay them.

A (work)force to be reckoned with.

A strong workforce allows us to provide for everyone. To ensure that we keep our workforce educated and healthy to minimize loss of production.

Day in and day out, driving home.

A safer road to home.

We use them every day. The roads we use day in and day out need proper maintenance, and new roads need to have high standards so they don’t need maintenance every other month. Our infrastructure should be able to last years.

Because we only have one planet.

Reversing climate change together.

Make no mistake. Climate change is real. Whether human activity caused it, we are accelerating it. We need to act now before it is too late. And that moment may come sooner rather than later.

She feeds us. Let’s take care of our Earth.

Fair and balanced agriculture.

The Earth feeds us all. We need to take care of the soil we use to plant our crops on. But more importantly, we need to take care of all the farmers who day in day out work to make sure we stay fed.

Affordable medical services for all.

Taking care of each other.

A normal instinct for parents, to take care of their child. Everyone should take care of other people if they have the means. The government should ensure that adequate medical care is available to all, for every income level.

Don’t just throw stuff away when we can give it a second life.

A sustainable economy.

When we give stuff we no longer use a second life, someone else doesn’t have to buy new. This saves valuable resources. We have a limited supply of resources, we cannot afford to exhaust Earth’s resources before we can go to space and mine asteroids.

We’ve been here before.

Humanity has proved it over and over again, from the very beginning when the first humans set out to cooperate while hunting. Every time we work together we accomplish great things. When a group of people set their minds to accomplishing a task they usually succeed.

When humanity comes together, we can do anything we set our minds to. All we have to do now is set aside our pride and differences and come together.